If you're wondering why the site looks like this? It's because I made it with Microsoft frontpage.

Hello and welcome to the part of the internet that I call my home on the internet, I do actually have a couple of stuff that the public can download, it's over at the downloads part of the website which I use for cataloguing the things that I've setup for people to download. It's likely to be filled with absolutely useless stuff although but some actually useful stuff may appear suddenly without warning.


oooOOOOoooOOOOooOOOOOoooo....... You have been spooked!
This is a portal to a graveyard, a graveyard of electronic doohickeys we spent money on and it fucking breaking one day....

(btw to visit click the image lol)


Check out my YouTube page! It's full of entertaining (probably) content with absolutely no commentary, poor choice of BGM, or generally the strange content style of the modern world (of 2024).

Warning: My videos are mostly guaranteed to be chaotic and may induce epilepsy so be wary of that.


Get your FREE ROBLOX tech demos here! (Or actual games idk)